Equipment and Aids - Disability Networks (2025)

Government Services

Mobility walking aids are available through the Physiotherapy Service This service can be accessed via your GP or other health professionals . For general enquiries ring Tel: 642158.

The Independent Living Centre, Level 1, Community Health Centre, Ballakermeen Road, Douglas, IM1 4BR provides advice and suppliers details on aids and equipment from the NHS and private businesses. Open Wednesdays 10am-2.30pm for you to drop in. For appointments at other times tel: 642561.

The Continence Advisor advises on the most suitable approach for a continence issue. Supplies are delivered to the home. Tel: 693551 for more information.

Hearing aids can be available through the Audiology clinic after a hearing test that indicated that a hearing aid is needed. Tel: 650407 for general enquiries. This service is accessed through health professionals eg your GP or hospital Consultant.

Social Services and aids and equipment

Social Services can help with the installation of a ramp, lift or special equipment,for example a hoist needed in the home for convenience, comfort or safety. They may make a charge for doing this under the Chronically Sick or Disabled Persons Act.

See -support/additional-help/Homealterations


Social Services can help with aids to assist with dressing, eating, food preparation, sitting etc.

Wheelchairs and artificial limbs

These are supplied by the Department of Health, following recommendations from General Practitioners or hospital doctors.

You can contact Social Services direct by email for more information on the services they offer:

or telephone them on +44 1624 642147. You will be asked some questions and an appointment can be made for someone to call and see you.

Housing Matters – government housing home

Many tenants find that, at some stage, they need to move to a new home. This may be because their home is too big or too small for their needs or because they have a medical or social reason for moving. There are several options available to you, but you must have been a tenant in your current home for at least 12 months.

Transfer to another Department property you will need to fill in a transfer application form available from our customer services team (tel: +44 1624 685955) in order to be placed on our list. We will match you with a transfer if a suitable choice appears. However, please note that the Department will only consider a transfer within its own housing stock if a request is based on housing need,for example disability, overcrowding, etc.

Mutual exchange with a tenant from another housing authority all the information and relevant forms are available on the Mutual Exchanges page.

See the above website page for more information on terms and conditions.

Private Businesses

General Equipment

Just Care Productsis a local business offering mobility solutions to suit your needs. Tel: 627177 email:

We supply mobility scooters, manual and powered wheelchairs, daily living aids for the bathroom, kitchen and generally; rise and recline chairs, profiling beds (divan and hospital types), as well as being the islands only stockist of the Cosyfeet Footwear range.

Our opening hours are 10 – 4 Monday to Friday but we can stay later or meet people at the shop by appointment on a Saturday afternoon.

Located at Unit 15 spring Valley Trading Estate, Braddan IM2 2QT – we are just behind the B&Q building – take the next right past the entrance to B&Q and we are on the left along there.

KissackCareLtd provide a variety of disabled aids and equipment. Tel:611559 or view

ARC Learning Ltd (iom) stock equipment for sale or hire plus a servicing option. they also offer many courses e.g. moving and handling, care courses and first aid. Find them at 17C, Tromode Industrial Estate, Douglas. Tel: 246054, email:, view

Excellent Ramp systems (IOM) Ltd provide disabled access equipment at Alisa Cottage, Main Road, Ballasalla, IM9 2DA, mobile Tel: 428868.

Liftmann provides disabled access equipment including platform lifts, stairlifts, bathlifts, patient hoists and electric scooters. Tel:822568 or view

For a glimpse of future equipment, see the amazing products now developed by Steeper, Assistive Technology at , or tel:0113 270 4841. Ideal for paraplegics and motor neurone disease sufferers.

Bikestyle Ltd Sales, Repair Services also repair some wheelchairs. Tel: 673576 . They are located at 42 Bucks Road, Douglas, IM1 3AD

Manx Carephone specialise in supplying phone contact provision so that help can be sought quickly and easily. They are located at 75 Main Road, Onchan, IM3 1AJ, Tel: 614108.

Vannin Careline provide carephones to support those on their own either temporarily or full-time. Tel: freephone 0800 433 2324

Hearing Aids

These can be arranged through the Manx National Health Service (via the Audiology Clinic- (see above for contact details) if required or sought through private firms, see below:

Hidden Hearing, Onchan Tel:617683

Island Hearing, Port St Mary Tel:830722

Isle of Man Hearing Solutions, Onchan Tel:898039,

Specsavers (Hearing Centres), Douglas, Tel: 689500

Continence Aids are supplied to the government and some care homes by Gellings, 8 Snugborough Trading Estate, Union Mills, IM4 4LH. For more information Tel: 671200

Remap – Provide one-off aids that are not commercially available. Tel:825903 email:


Circa provides wheelchairs and mobility aids to enable disabled people to shop in Douglas. See,, Tel: 613713, email

Equipment and Aids - Disability Networks (2025)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.