1. Die Deutschen (TV Series 2008-2010)
Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, beginning with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse of the German Empire at ...
Die Deutschen is a German television documentary produced for ZDF that first aired from October to November 2008. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, beginning with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse of the German Empire at the end of the First World War. In November 2010 the second season of Die Deutschen was published in German television, beginning with Charlemagne, the Frankish King, and ending with Gustav Stresemann, the Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic. Historical events are recreated through a combination of live action scenes and computer generated animations. The series was filmed at over 200 different locations in Germany, Malta, and Romania at a cost of approximately €500,000 per episode.
2. Die Deutschen (TV Series 2008-2010) - The Movie Database
Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, beginning with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse of the German Empire at ...
Die Deutschen is a German television documentary produced for ZDF that first aired from October to November 2008. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, beginning with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse of the German Empire at the end of the First World War. In November 2010 the second season of Die Deutschen was published in German television, beginning with Charlemagne, the Frankish King, and ending with Gustav Stresemann, the Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic. Historical events are recreated through a combination of live action scenes and computer generated animations. The series was filmed at over 200 different locations in Germany, Malta, and Romania at a cost of approximately €500,000 per episode.
3. Die Deutschen (2008) - Filmaffinity
TV Series (2008-2010). 2 Seasons. 20 Episodes. A documentary TV Series about the History of Germany. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, ...
Genre: Documentary | Synopsis: TV Series (2008-2010). 2 Seasons. 20 Episodes. A documentary TV Series about the History of Germany. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, beginning with the reign of Otto the ...
4. Die Deutschen ( 2008-10-26 (DE) ) - Peliplat
Documentary series about 1,000 years of German history. Reviewing the history from about 955 A.D. to the modern-day monarchy and World War I. Latest episode.
Documentary series about 1,000 years of German history. Reviewing the history from about 955 A.D. to the modern-day monarchy and World War I.
5. Die Deutschen - ZDFmediathek
Dabei personalisieren wir ausschließlich auf Basis deiner Nutzung der ZDFmediathek, der ZDFheute und ZDFtivi. Daten von Dritten werden von uns nicht verwendet.
Von Karl dem Großen bis Gustav Stresemann: über ein Jahrtausend deutscher Geschichte in szenischer Rekonstruktion
6. [PDF] Annual Review 2008 - Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank's business model combines global investment banking activities with a strong, profitable and growing retail business, especially in Europe and ...
7. Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2008
In the early 1970s, Holdt spent five years hitchhiking across the US, living with and documenting the lives of the people he met – from the poorest Southern ...
The winner of the annual Deutsche Börse Photography Prize was announced on 5 March 2008: Esko Männikkö. Other photographers, who were shortlisted for this year’s prize, are: John Davies, Jacob Holdt and Fazal Sheik .
8. [PDF] Annual Report - 2008 - Deutsche Bundesbank
DEUTSCHE. BUNDESBANK. Annual Report. 2008 points compared with 2008 to 1 2% in the current year. According to the Fund, the world economy is therefore in ...
9. [PDF] The DeuTsche AnningTon ReAl esTATe gRoup in The fiRsT hAlf of ...
• In the first six months of 2008, Deutsche Annington further developed its ... launched a broad-based health management programme called "body & mind".
10. Tadao Maruko v. Versorgungsanstalt der deutschen Bühnen, Case C ...
1 apr 2008 · Versorgungsanstalt der deutschen Bühnen, Case C-267/06, CJEU (Grand Chamber), 1 April 2008 ... Discrimination based on sexual orientation.
1. Unequal treatment between life partnership and marriage amounts to direct discrimination based on sexual orientation, where the two situations are comparable from the point of view of domestic law and the entitlement to the latter is reserved only to persons of the opposite sex.
2. It is for the national courts to determine the actual analogy between life partnership and marriage and, therefore, to verify whether a surviving life partner is in a situation comparable to that of a spouse who is entitled to the survivor’s benefit provided for under an occupational pension scheme.
3. Even though civil status and the benefits flowing therefrom are matters which fall within the domestic competences, in the exercise of that competence the Member States must comply with Community law and, in particular, with the provisions relating to the principle of non-discrimination.
(In the present case, a German insurance institution denied a survivor’s pension to the surviving partner of a same sex couple who had established a registered life partnership under national law).