The cast of characters in Your Boyfriend.
Please note that as this visual novel is 18+, this page will feature explicit material. Beware of spoilers!
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You, the main character of the game, who works in a diner.
- Affectionate Nickname: Peter is very fond of calling you "darling".
- Deadpan Snarker: If you play yourself as more of a Jerkass, your character's responses and thoughts will be a lot more sarcastic and snarky.
- Extreme Doormat: Implied, since you frequently pay your roommates half of the rent and don't seem like a very confrontational person in general. You can also play like this by agreeing to pretty much everything Peter wants.
- Jerkass: If you wish, you can be rude to your boyfriend. Unfortunately, this can affect how your character interacts with others as well.
- Not So Above It All: One of the routes involves getting high with Lucy, despite you previously calling her out for her drug habit.
- Oblivious to Love: This can be the case depending on which path you take. Peter even calls you out for this when you're alone in the alley with him.
- Of Course I Smoke: If Lucy offers you a blunt to help relax after quitting your job, you end up coughing ungraciously when taking your first hit. Lucy teases you about it.
- Ping Pong Naïveté: This depends on which route you play as, but you state from the get-go after meeting Peter that the way you both meet is unconventional and a red flag. However, you can play on as innocently ignorant, even when Peter himself calls you out on your naivete:
Oh, Y/N. I love you, but you're not very bright.
- What the Hell, Hero?: If you play your character as cold and uncaring to Peter, it also affects your interactions with the others, which can be pretty cruel considering the others aren't trying to kill or stalk you. Examples include sassing out TK when they're just trying to look out for you, and criticising Lucy for not being able to get a job despite her protests that she is doing her best. Harsher in Hindsight when you and Don enter her room and find all of her job applications on the floor, only to find out she's become one of Peter's victims.
Your Boyfriend/Peter Dunbar
Your Boyfriend. The main antagonist of the game, and your love interest. He's a deeply disturbed and dangerous individual who will stop at nothing to gain your affection.
- AB Negative: His blood type.
- And I Must Scream: Peter is fully aware that he's in a video-game, but that also means he knows that he can never ever be with you for real. And knowing that crushes him. Also the fact that he was designed to love you, and has no free will of his own.
There's parts of my personality I can't control.
- Animal Lover: Stated to love all animals, and has a pet snake called Rat.
- Animal Motifs: Cats; his eyes glow in the dark as such, and apparently, he can also purr. One route in Day 3 has Peter actually hiss at the police officer who tells you to leave the crime scene.
- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Feels this way about Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club!.
Monika? That quitter? No thank you. She deserved to be deleted. Stupid bitch goes off and giving away what she did and how she did it.
- Beneath the Mask: He has no difficulty in hiding his insanity and stalker side when around others, so they see him as a normal person. He can even easily paint himself as the idyllic "boyfriend".
Lucy to Y/N: You should treat people more nicely, like your man here.
- Berserk Button: Don't try to escape from him, call the police, or get the upper hand on him. Someone will die as a result.
- Also applies if/when someone treats you badly. One route in Day 3 leads to Peter killing a customer simply because they were rude to you.
- Beware the Nice Ones: You should be wary of him the second you meet him. Despite how friendly he comes across.
- Big Bad: The titular antagonist, after all.
- Blood Knight: It's obvious how much Peter enjoys killing, and he has as much fun as possible with it. Art often depicts him absolutely soaked in blood and using whatever means to kill, usually with a knife, a rope, or even a crowbar.
- Blue Is Heroic: Averted completely. He has blue eyes and wears a blue shirt under his sleeveless hoodie, but he's a creepy Stalker with a Crush.
- Cigarette of Anxiety: Official art depicts Peter being a smoker.
- Deadpan Snarker: Some of his responses can come across as this, especially to other characters.
- Death Seeker: Peter was confirmed to be suicidal prior to meeting you, and it's implied he still is because he can't bear the pain of not being with us for real.
- Does Not Like Spam: He doesn't like chili or sour candies.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Peter understands that unlike himself, the player and their loved ones aren't video-game characters, and that if we die, we can't come back or respawn. For this reason, if he were in the real world, Peter would never hurt or kill anyone we loved, such as family or friends, because he understands the real fragility of life. In the game, it doesn't matter, because with every reset or restart of the game, those who died are brought back to life. But he does understand that death is permanent in the real world. Also Played for Laughs - as infatuated with you as he is, he will call you out for being uncreative if you try and give him your own name. He also reacts insulted if you try and name him a swear word (except when you try to name him "co*ckbite", which will lead to a minor Easter Egg).
- Official art also confirms that Peter respects consent and safe-words, and would never force himself on you.
- Depending on what path you take in-game, Peter also says at one point that he hates harassing workers, as they have enough to deal with as it is.
- Peter canonically hates "TERF"s (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists).
- Exhausted Eyebags: Seriously. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. There is a reason though! He's too busy watching you at night.
- Fetishized Abuser: As stated, Peter rings all the wrong bells — he's dangerous, aggressive, unhinged, a creepy stalker, and a murderer. He treats the main character (aka yourself) no different. His only objective redeeming is that he's not a rapist. Despite all of that, the narrative treats him as cute, tormented, and utterly sexy.
- Flowers of Romance: He'll try twice to give you roses, whether you accept his date request or not.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: Normally, Peter's eyes are like the others'. But when he's angered or provoked, they become snake-like and sharp.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: His eyes glow in the dark.
- Hates Their Parent: Peter has stated several times how much he hates his creator, Fuboo. The reason? He knows he's trapped in a video-game, and he'll never be able to truly love you.
I swear on my mother's grave! If she was dead. Sure would be nice if she was.
- Hidden Depths: Peter is skilled at the piano and also collects bottle caps.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Again, averted. His eyes are blue, but...
- I Was Quite a Fashion Victim: He was a goth when he was in high school/in his late teen's. Don't remind him about it.
- Love Martyr: You have the option to treat him absolutely horribly, but he never takes offense to it and instead gets even more desperate to be your perfect boyfriend so you'll love him.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- No Sense of Personal Space: During his first face-to-face interaction with you, he gets uncomfortably close to you on the bench. Even when you’ve established you’re not comfortable with him being in your bubble, he later closes that gap and almost makes physical contact with you.
- This continues for the other days as well depending on which route you take - if Don accidentally startles you in the hallway, Peter will hold you protectively. In one route depending on who dies in the Diner on Day 3, Peter will pull you away from Roy whilst hissing at him. Then there's the alley scene...
- No Social Skills: It is incredibly painful to see him try and fumble his way into asking you out.
- Overly-Long Tongue: Peter's tongue is disturbingly long.
- Precision F-Strike: When he confesses his love to you.
God, I could f*ck you against this wall right now...
- Psycho Knife Nut: Official art suggests this, and if you take the path where you find the bloody knife in Peter's van. Knives are presumably his favourite method of killing, and he also has a collection of them. Apparently butterfly knives are his favourite, as well as hunting knives.
- Romanticized Abuse: Depending on your decisions, you can retaliate to his Fetishized Abuser behavior by abusing him — so both of you become Love Martyrs for each other.
- Scary Teeth: He has a row of very sharp teeth. They make his frequent Slasher Smiles even creepier.
- Self-Harm: Peter's torso and upper arms are absolutely littered in scars from self-inflicted wounds, most of them in the shape of tallies or hearts. Each tally represents a time he tried to approach you but his fear got the better of him. He conveniently wears sleeves to hide the ones on his arms but occasionally in art, they peek out.
- Serial Killer: Word of God verifies that his in-game kill/s are NOT the first time he's committed murder.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Peter never experienced romantic or sexual attraction in his life until he met you. This means that he's also pansexual, as it doesn't matter what gender you identify with, Peter is still in love with you.
- Slasher Smile: Not even subtle, as it's what he does in the title card, the first thing you see in the game.
- slu*t-Shaming: At one point he cruelly implies that Lucy has an STD because of her promiscuity.
- Stalker with a Crush: Ho boy, does he have a crush on you.
- Stronger Than They Look: He is much more physically strong than he looks, able to knock you out by smashing your head against the window of his van, to taking down Don Williams, a taller and physically buffer man, and one artwork Fuboo did shows that Peter is able to crack a computer monitor with brute force using just one of his hands.
- Sweet Tooth: He likes to eat sweet foods.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Peter doesn't even try to hide the fact that he knows he's in a game and that you're a real person, not a video-game character. He breaks the fourth wall every chance he gets, and in one path, when he wants to explain his motives behind killing, he outright removes your ability to make a choice.
The better option is to hear me out.
- Vocal Dissonance: Despite being lithe and rather scrawny, Peter's voice is unexpectedly deep and husky, ideal for a stalker antagonist.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's aquaphobic. Apparently this is because his younger sister Sarah almost drowned him when they were kids.
- Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: This happens whenever he's angry or startled.
- Yandere: Is an extreme example for Y/N AKA you. He instantly labels himself as your boyfriend and begins stalking you. The longer he’s in your life, the worst his desire to be with you gets. He is willing to kill anyone who tries to come between him and you and do who knows what else for your love.
Your Roommate/Lucy Imala
Your roommate. She's notorious for never paying her rent on time. Despite her faults, she always looks out for you.
- Broken Bird: Implied, as she had an abusive home-life, struggles to find a job, and frequently drinks and takes drugs.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Ran away from home due to her parents' arguments and father's abuse.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Implied to turn to alcohol to deal with stress.
- Even the Girls Want Her: In-game, if you choose to romance her and you identify as a girl. Lucy is also quite popular among female fans of the game.
- Girly Bruiser: Long hair, jewelry, makeup, pink bedroom, and happy to beat up your stalker.
- Good Bad Girl: Spends what money she has on drugs and alcohol (though it's heavily implied to help her deal with her problems) and never pays her rent on time, but Lucy is ultimately a very good person inside and cares for you deep down, even taking the time to make you coffee every morning before work and comfort you after Don's murder/you confess to having a stalker. No ulterior motives either.
- Hidden Depths: Lucy is very into astronomy, as indicated by her astronomy-themed tattoos.
- Really Gets Around: She frequently holds "study sessions" in your apartments with a different partner each time.
- The Smurfette Principle: So far, the only canonical female character in the game.
- The Stoner: Gets a packet of weed from the kitchen at one point.
Your Co-worker/TK Parker
Your colleague who works at the diner with you. They often vouch for you when you're late to work.
- Ambiguous Gender: TK goes by they/them pronouns. The ambiguity lies in the fact that they've yet to be confirmed as non-binary.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Massive Numbered Siblings: According to Word of God, TK has 4 siblings.
Your Landlord/Don Williams
Your landlord, who is fed up of Lucy never paying her rent on time.
- Cranky Landlord: To be fair, with how often Lucy leeches off of you, he has every right to be.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Don mentions that he is divorced, and his ex-wife continues to give him grief today.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's definitely not "nice", per se, but he does care for you and appreciates your hard-working attitude.
- Papa Wolf: Shows shades of this when talking to you about covering Lucy's share of the rent and overworking yourself. Also when talking about his son, Roy.
Roy Williams
Don Williams' son. He works as a police officer, but is new on the job.
- Backing Away Slowly: Does this if Peter hisses at him.
- Vomiting Cop: Not quite to this extent, but he is shown visibly distressed when you stumble across the murder in the Diner.
- It hits harder if the victim is his own dad, Don.
Your Girlfriend/Sarah Dunbar
Peter's currently-unseen younger sister, set to appear in her own game Your Girlfriend. She's every bit as dangerous as her brother.
- Gender Bender: Averted entirely, fans initially thought Sarah was a female version of Peter, but she's an entirely different character who just happens to be his sister.
- Occidental Otaku: Sarah went through an anime phase when she was in high school. Unlike her older brother, who cringes at the memory of his "goth" phase, Sarah isn't ashamed or embarrassed about it.
- Pink Means Feminine: Wears a pink t-shirt and a pink headband.
- Playing with Fire: Apparently fire is her preferred method of getting rid of her rivals.
- Sibling Rivalry: With Peter, because they're both equally trying to win your affection.
- An official birthday gift for Fuboo was an audio skit of Sarah and Peter making a video to wish their mother a happy birthday. The two make frequent jabs at one another, and ends with Sarah trying to throttle her brother.
Peter's pet hog-nose snake. He loves her very dearly, and she will appear in Day 4.
- Fuzz Therapy: Apparently she's the only thing that makes Peter happy, aside from you.
- Ironic Name: She's a snake called "Rat".
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Art of her always depicts her as adorable and unfaltering in her love for Peter.